Thursday, May 20

The Truth of that Chapter

Many chapters had gone through in my life but.....there was one chapter that end in no reason at all. It made me curious why this people end that way. Finally, this day I knew the truth...the reason of this people closed the story as well.

I dont know how to start it right now. But this people's reason caused no harm to me, it brings me benefit as well. Instead, I thought the other way...You thought a lot even the future and the condition that having which lead you to behave like that...You wana me moved on instead of you..

After so many years, now I only know...But I totally disagree the way you came to the conclusion. You should discussed with me since involved me too. I never thought this will happen in reality. I thought it only happen in movie or drama. I hate those character for being liar, being that....I totally cant accept it for the time being now.

Im confuse now. Im feel sorry for you. You thought of me but I didnt...maybe im causing you hurt and sad...if you brave enough to talk this matter to me, it wont be what we are use to be now...maybe something different.

I will never forget those chapter in my life. NEVER....

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