Saturday, May 1

The Party

My godbrother had came back due to Minly's party. We took lunch together, "hon tei" at my Mama's house. Having fun with Mandee, Anwen and Anyee. A bit upset as Anyee not willing me to hug her this time. Beside, I watch the High School Musical again at the Disney Channel.

I able to have a chat with Sis Evelyn too. My grandma asked me to bath Mandee so I said okay. It not the first time so Im used to it. No big deal. Later, it really became big Anwen was willing to bath with Mandee. Anyee didnt join because she was too small, not conclude as kid yet,~~I think..^^.. It was my first time bathed two small kids at the sametime. Luckily, Yan helped me so our task had completed. Siti, a maid to dress up Anwen. My sis and I end up with wet clothes as they having water for their fun time!..

Im enjoying too when playing fun with them,by splashing water here and there. Its really fun with them but in the sametime, I missed the fun with my BETZZ. I didnt join the gathering with betzz. Conclusion, sacrificed the gathering My family leaved when my Dad finish his mahjung game.

The party held on the Kampar Club by inviting the KFC there. The kids played with the KFC host and the chicks. They had their wonderful time playing the games and winning the prizes. While the adults chit-chatting. I snapped quite a lot of photos. Photos of Anwen, my sis and brother and so on.

Minly's birthday cake.

We sang birthday song together with the chicks. My godsis and Brother Jason were hugging their 2nd child's, Minly. While Mandee, standing in front of them, the eldest daughter.

The photo of the chick and I. It snapped when I received a souvenirs from it.

Yan and I

The party ended and said goodbye to everyone.

My family had a midnight movie by watching the DVD at house. As a result, we went to sleep late

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