Many things happened since after my last post......
There are somethings that I cant carry on as previous...
Im tired....the "tired" that I doesnt mean as simple as T-I-R-E-D....
I felt like I wana to let go of everything...
Feel like wish to have a long holiday or vacation...
Forget about REVISION...EXAM...ASSIGNMENTS...and...
those unhappy feeling that bother me..
The feeling of exhausted...
It happened maybe due to everything that happens in the same times...
Packed in the same times...
Need to be hurry in the same times...
Need to be done in the same times too...
Causing me stress...
It made me really wish to bungkus those and dumped into the sea...
Without waving goodbye...
Really really wana do that...
Endora will pop-out when I felt that...
Helping me...
It really feel better...
Things become more worse...
When the place I used to rely on...
The place where I get my love...
The place where I pampered by...
Undergoing of changing process...